Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Topic 7: Using Personal Storage

Before starting this exercise you'll need a document to work on.  You'll use this document from now on when you need a document for Tech Tag.  A Word Document is attached here.

Tech Tag Word Doc

First, choose "Open" when prompted by clicking the link.  Once the Word document opens in MS Word you can save to a convenient location of your choosing by click File - Save As as shown below.

What's listed below is the actual exercise for Topic 6.  Use the Word file you've just download to work through this activity.

Using personal storage on your desk PC is extremely easy with Windows 7.  The personal storage should be tied in automatically with your saving options on your PC.  So, let's take a look at saving a word file to your personal storage.  First, we'll start with the Word file.

Now, well save to the computer following the standard Save As - Documents.

I've chosen the file shown to be saved under the "Documents" folder on my computer under the "Libraries" heading.  Other than that I did not specify any particular path for the file.

The screen shot below shows a window opened on the right which is the "Documents" folder (where I just saved the file).  On the left hand side I have circled the home storage (personal storage through library).  I am going to click on the "Home Storage" and split the Windows.

The screen shot above shows that the file is saved in both "Documents'" folders, however, it must be noted that I solely specified the "Documents" folder on my computer for this save.  If this does not automatically happen for you, then there is an issue with the syncing.

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