Thursday, April 14, 2011

Topic 17: Accessing Library Videos

It's so easy to access library videos, and of course so much fun!  One easy way to access videos is to click "Tutorials" in the middle of the library homepage.

You'll be taken to a tutorials page where you can explore and click what you want to view, and then view it within the page.

Also, another fun option for library videos is the library YouTube page (, also accessible via the Facebook page (

To complete this task you'll need to watch 2 library videos, list the ones you watched under "Comments" and then say what you liked about 1 of them.


  1. Find Articles in America’s Newspapers AND
    Choose a Topic or Begin Your Research with the Opposing Viewpoints Research Center

    big help in finding specific newspaper articles and can review tutorials as often as needed.

  2. Find Books for Your Classes (3:54) and Send a Book to Any OhioLINK Library for Pickup (2:15). I watched these because they were the first 2 in the list, seemed ok to me.

    p.s. it seems to be impossible for me to comment on this blog in firefox even with adblock disabled...not sure what gives with that.

  3. I watched a couple Lexis Nexis videos--helpful since I needed a refresher on search techniques for the newer interface. Intro to the New Lexis, Power Search in Lexis.

    Also watched the Pop Culture Universe--thought it might come in handy with topics for Fine Arts.

  4. I liked the one on the Learning Commons (I'm biased). I'm in it and it is about where I work. Hooray Learning Commons!

  5. I tried the Alden tutorial "Request a book from the library annex". Then I went to YouTube and viewed "Intoducing the Alden Library App" which was very well done and introduced some of the library staff. "Ask a Librarian" was very dramatic!

  6. Watched 'Document Delivery'; couldn't watch 'Renew your books online' as I got an error message.

  7. Circ vid rocks (although I gave SS hard time about lack of real-life Circ input) & Writing Center vid has outstanding narration (who did it?) & graphics. Patron Andrew is winning in Ask A Librarian. Great job, everyone.

  8. i watched finding a topic with opposing viewpoints; this is good info, and I'll link it to my freshman blog.

  9. I watched Megan's engineering videos. I watched the standards video yesterday when I had a faculty member in ITS looking for some standards about telecommunication technology. I watched the other two videos about Morgan & Claypool and conference proceedings. I didn't know a lot about finding these types of resources before, so these videos were really helpful.

  10. I watched the Alden Circulation "Rap" video. I found this quite entertaining, but very informative! Great Job! I also viewed the "Find Article in America's Newspapers" video and "Introducing the Alden Library Mobile App.

  11. I watched Special Libraries and thought it was very helpful for students

  12. i watched Alden tutorial "Request a book from the library annex". duh ;-)
    and the award winning circ video.
    are we learning good stuff yet or what :-)

  13. I really like the Writing Center video. The Circulation video is great too. Outstanding work done on all!

  14. For Lucy Conn:

    I watched "Send a Book to Any OhioLINK Library for Pickup" and "Request an Article Through Document Delivery"

    Both are excellent services that OU Libraries offer. It's great to know a student can request a book through OhioLINK which can be sent to a Library in the OhioLINK system nearest to them especially during the summer.
