Saturday, April 16, 2011

Topic 19: Forwarding an Email as an Attachment

Sometimes you may want to forward an email to someone as an "attachment." How is this different from just forwarding an email the regular way?

For standard email  forwarding, you just click the "Forward" button at the top of your email window, put in the email address of who you are sending it to, click "Send" and you're done.

Forwarding an email as an attachment is still forwarding an email to someone, but instead of the email being sent as a regular email, it is placed into a separate document that is attached to a blank email.

There are just two steps:

1.  Instead of clicking the "Forward" button, click the drop-down menu to the right of it that says "More" and then choose "Forward as Attachment." 

2.  Put in the email address of the person you are sending it to (writing an explanatory message is optional), click "Send" and that's it!

Why would you go to this trouble?  Forwarding an email as an attachment sends a clean copy of that original email to someone, without your email signature in the way (what happens when you forward an email by the regular method).  This would be useful for occasions when you know the person you are forwarding the email to is going to print it out for record keeping (an example would be a receipt that you receive as an email that you need to forward to finance).

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